Monday, July 7, 2014

Hydrology Assignment 3 and Test on July 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Dear Students:

Questions of assignment 3 is below. Due date is July 14.

Prepare for a test on July 10, 2014. We will meet at my office SET II- Room Nr. 203 at 2:00 PM. The Topics of the quiz will be related to the topics of Assignment 2 and Assignment 3.


Answer any two…… 2*5
  1. Differentiate between Transportation and Evaporation. Mention different methods of measurement of transportation.
  2. Identify and explain each in 5 sentences the different forms of initial loss.
  3. Explain the use of different infiltration indices.
Numerical Question….. (2*7.5)
  1. An isolated 3-h storm occurred over a basin in the following fashion:
Estimate the Runoff from the catchment due to strom.
  1. The stage-discharge data of a river are given below. Establish a stage-discharge relationship to predict the stage for a known discharge. Assume the stage value for zero discharge as 20.50m. Determine the stage of the river corresponding to a discharge of 2600m3/s.

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