Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Attendance till 26 Oct 2013 (Section C and D)

You may access your attendance from the below link.  This is the attendance till 26 Oct, 2013. Names of those who are not registered have been highlighted.
Should you find any discrepancy, see your concerned faculty.

Attendance till 26 Oct, 2013

Letters are being sent to those whose aggregate attendance is less than 75%

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Term Paper- Surveying

All the students who have registered for term paper in Surveying must submit the completed term paper only by email (no hard copy) to their adviser Assistant prof Shashi Prakash jaiswal latest by 05 November at email ID (shashi.jaiswal@sharda.ac.in)

All the students should strictly follow the format and guidelines posted recently on the blog. No paper will be accepted after the given date.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Term Paper - Soil Mechanics

All the students who have registered for term paper in Soil Mechanics must submit the completed term paper by email to their adviser Prof Gaurav Goel latest by          04 Nov 2013 by email (gaurav.goel@sharda.ac.in).

All the students should strictly follow the format and guidelines posted recently on the blog. In addition they should include Gantt chart (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart) in the report. Submission without Gantt chart will not be accepted and marked as late submission.

All the late submission will be evaluated out of 50 % marks.

Soil Mechanics : Section A, B, C, and D

All the students must bring their "Scientific Calculator" whenever you have a class of  Soil Mechanics (SM) subject.

Lecture notes and problem sheets are available at following blog. They are clubbed in the folder named as "Soil Mechanics"

The blog address is https://sites.google.com/site/civilsharda2010/downloads-1

Term paper format and Guidelines

The format and guidelines should be strictly followed:

Last date of Submission:  8th Nov    (first draft)

Term Paper Guidelines

All the students will follow below guidelines.


-          The papers should be 8-10 pages in length, however, this is not a constraint.
-          The title page, bibliography (references), and appendices (if any) do not count towards the length of your paper.
-          Follow the template provided as they will impact the length of your paper.

Title Page

-          Include the following on your title page: title of paper, your name, your Roll Number, the course name and year.
-          The title page does not count as one of your pages in terms of the length of the paper.
-          See an example title page.


-          Use 12 point times new roman font (use template).
-          Use single spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs or headings.
-          Staple your paper on the left side of the document.
-          Number your pages. Do not put in the page numbers manually.
-          Uses justify alignment for your paper.


-          The bare minimum is the spell/ grammar check in your word processing program.
-          Excessive spelling/ grammatical errors will cause a grade reduction.


-          Do not include excessive quotations – try to put things into your own words (they still need to be cited, though). The point is for you to learn something, not for you to copy what someone else said about a topic. If you find you must put a quote in your paper that is more than 3 lines long and do cite it at the end as you would any other quote.


Title of Term Paper

Name of the student
Department of Civil Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology
Sharda University, Gr. Noida, UP, INDIA


            An abstract is a fifty to hundred word summary of your paper that appears at the beginning of the paper. By reading the paper any one should be able to understand that what is the objective  of the paper and what technical aspects has been presented.

1. Introduction
The introduction should define the problem you are studying, discuss the history of the problem and state its importance in the field. Also, applications of the problem can be discussed. Students are also encouraged to present all the basic examples to illustrate the concepts, using figures if possible. All the basic terminology related to the topic should be defined and explained.
In the introduction, and throughout your paper, it is most important to cite the sources of your information. Sources may include textbooks, magazine or newspaper articles, web sites, and journal articles.

2. Background
In some cases, you may need to divide the introductory material in your paper into two sections. Oftentimes, a second section called the “Background” section is used. In the Background section, additional terms are defined and more historical information, such as previous results and a review of related papers, is give. It is in the Introduction and Background sections that you must ensure that your reader understands the problem and the terminology as well as show the reader that you have done your homework, in terms of your library work.

3. Work DOne
This would include the work which you have done during the study of the topic of your choice. This section may have sub-sections and if there are sub sections they shall be numbered as 3a, 3b etc.

4. Analysis of TErm paper work

5. Conclusions
It is common to include a conclusions section to summarize the content of your paper, discuss future directions, and state any open problems. The conclusion should be between fifty to two hundred words.


  1. Author name(s), Title of Book/Research paper, Name of the Journal, Volume/Edition No, Page number, Publisher’s Name, Year of Publication
  2. Author name(s), Title, website, Year of Publication

Monday, October 21, 2013

Correction in question no 9 of surveying assignment

A chain was tested before starting the survey, and was found to be exactly 20 meters. At the end of the survey, it was tested again and was found to be 20.12 m. Area of the plan of the field drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 8 m was (50 + x) cm2 (where x is the last two digit of your roll number). Find the true area of the field in square meters.          

Surveying Theodolite slides

Thursday, October 17, 2013

students to meet the HOD

Following students to meet the HOD as soon as possible,

Nirbhay singh
Srikant Tripathi
Karma Wangdi
Kezang Rinchen
Biniga Jacques
Sougata Mondal
Utkarsh Mehta
Mingkim Yirang
Gaurav Kr Pandey

dear students please find slides for PSE



Section II B Engineering Mechanics

Please find the link for the assignment for next week.


1. All the rough work and fair work should be submitted.
2. VIVA/TEST will be taken right then.
3. Last date is 22/10/13 for submission.

MTE Regular Exam Schedule

The regular MTE schedule can be accessed from the below link. For any clarification, contact the Dy COE office in 301, SET1.

MTE Regular Exam Schedule

Soil Mechanics- Syllabus for Mid Term

Unit A
Soil Formation and Classification
Unit A Topic 1
Formation of Soil, Civil engineering problems related to soil
Unit A Topic 2
Three phase diagram and index properties of soils
Unit A Topic 3
Classification of soil as per BIS, Consistency of clays-Atterberg limits 
Unit B
Soil Compaction and Consolidation
Unit B Topic 1
Concept of compaction and  Laboratory compaction tests
Unit B Topic 2
Factors affecting compaction, Compaction in the field, Structure  and  engineering behaviour of compacted soils, Difference between consolidation and compaction
Unit B Topic 3
 Components of total settlement; Compressibility, Terzaghi’s theory of one-dimensional consolidation; Time-rate of consolidation; Settlement analysis
Unit C
Principle of effective stress, Capillarity and Permeability
Unit C Topic 1
Principle of effective stress, Physical meaning of effective stress, Boussinesq’s theory
Unit C Topic 2
One-dimensional flow; Darcy’s law, Determination of permeability for cohesive and cohesionless soils, Permeability of layered deposits, Permeability as  a function of soil type, Capillarity

Monday, October 14, 2013

Surveying Assignment

Value of x has to be taken as given in the question according to the students roll number, if student does not follow this will be awarded zero marks. Those students who has not having his or her roll number can use their system ID.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Backlog Students - MODS Quiz

For the students of Backlog in MODS subject:

A separate "Oral QUIZ" will be conducted for 80 marks.

Syllabus: Total Syllabus that you have studied earlier.

Date: between  04-11-13 to 08-11-13

First come first served basis.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Backlog Students- MODS Assignment

Please find the Assignment 1 here for the subject MODS - Backlog students

Syllabus:  syllabus that you have studied previously in your regular class only. 
Still if you have any doubts about Syllabus, you may meet HOD regarding this.


Note: Any notices related to backlog students of MODS will be here in this blog only

Friday, October 4, 2013

courses and sections: URGENT

The list of all the students currently enrolled and registered in 2nd/ 3rd and 4th year of civil engg can be accessed from the below link. 

Registered students with courses

The list contain the names and the subjects you are studying. 

You are supposed to verify your section, system id, roll number and courses you are currently studying. This also includes the lab courses.

If there is any discrepancy, anywhere, report me in the next two days, ie., latest by tuesday (8th oct, 2013) 04:00pm. Any correction after this shall not be entertained.

final year: verify your open elective
3rd yr: readmitted students to verify their section and subjects
2nd yr: readmitted and lateral entry to verify their section, system id, roll no and subjects