Monday, June 30, 2014

faculty assigned for fluid mechanics

Fluid Mechanics, being offered in self-study mode for 2nd year backlog students.
Contact Shamshad Alam for more information. One test has been conducted by Sarmistha and other tests shall be conducted by Shamshad.

Friday, June 27, 2014

minor changes in the mte schedule of civil engg subjects

cvl212 has been moved to 30th june shift 1100-1230
cvl202, 301 and 213 is on 2nd july 1100-1230pm
cvl206 is on 4th july 1100-1230pm
cvl213 has been removed from 5th july 0900-1030am
cvl212 has been removed from 5th july 0100-0230pm

quantity survey (oel011) is an open elective paper of 8th term. this paper shall be on 6th july 0300-0430pm

final schedule shall be uploaded on the blog as and when it is received from the exam cell. if not, see the notice board for final schedule.

All the students of backlog MODS CVL 214 the syllabus for MTE is

The syllabus will be
1 Introduction to internal forces-Condon-More’s curve, degrees of freedom,
    reaction due to different supports, and S.F- B.M. diagram
2 Concept stress tensor, plane stress, stress transformation equation.
3 Mohr’s circle of stress.

Syed Emad uddin Ahmed

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

The tentative summer term mid term exam schedule has been prepared with all the subjects. You are adviced to check the same and let us know if there is any subject missing or if there is any clash. This needs to reported by tomorrow (27th June) 10:00am so that necessary corrections are incorporated. No further request of change shall be entertained.

Summer Term MTE Tentative Schedule

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Assignment 2 Hydrology (CVL216 and/or CVL202); Due: 3rd July 2014

Hello All:

In the attached link you can find your assignment 2. Note that the assignments are for preparing you for your exam (MTE and ETE), so please make sure your are honest to yourself in timely completing them.

Link: Assignment 2

Good luck

Steel syllabus for Mid-term

Steel syllabus for Mid-term
Unit I - Connections and Tension Members
Unit II - Compression Members
Steel syllabus access is below

Hydrology MTE Syllabus and Assignment/Test Plan

Hello All:

For better preparation I will suggest that complete your assignments. You may also want to check the Mid term and Final Term exam of the last semester. Your classmates may have them.

Your first assignment is due today (27th June). I will post the second assignment that is to be submitted after the mid-term (3rd July). Also prepare for a test on 10th July at 2:00 PM in my office.

Mid-Term Syllabus

Course No.

Course Title

Engineering Hydrology – K. Subramanya (Tata McGraw Hill)

Other References
Applied Hydrology – Ven Te Chow, David R. Maidment,Larry W. Mays (McGraw Hill)
Applied Hydrology –Linsely R.K. Kohler, M.A. and J.L.H. Paulhus (McGraw Hill)

Lecture contents
Relevant page nos of the textbook
Hydrologic Cycle and its components, Water budget equations, World Water balance, Precipitation forms
Assignment 1

Precipitation measurement
Depth-area-duration relationships, intensity-duration- frequency relationships, Probable maximum precipitation, Hydrologic Process
Hydrologic Measurement and estimation of evaporation and evapotranspiration, Design of hydrologic network
86, 6 to 12 [ref book 1]
Assignment 2

Hydrologic Processes-Initial losses; interception and depression storage,

SM syllabus for mid-term

SM syllabus for mid-term
Unit I - Soil Classification
Unit II - Soil Compaction and Consolidation
Unit III - Effective Stress, Capillarity and Permeability

Slides are already with you.
SM syllabus access is below

MTE syllabus - CVL 210- Survey

Unit A
Introduction to Surveying
Unit A Topic 1
Definition, Branches of Surveying, Basic principles of Surveying, Basic measurements and fixing of details
Unit A Topic 2
Importance of surveying to Civil Engineers, Co-ordinate systems, Maps and Scales, Errors and their type in measurements
Unit A Topic 3
Survey of India system of map numbering,; Map index and map numbers at different scales, GTS Benchmarks
Unit B
Linear and Angular Measurement
Unit B Topic 1
Different methods of distance measurement, tape measurements, corrections to linear measurements, Optical methods of distance measurements
Unit B Topic 2
Electronic methods of distance measurements (EDMI), Error sources in EDMI and calibration, Theodolite- Different types (Transit and Digital) and their salient  parts,  Basic terms, Fundamental lines
Unit B Topic 3
Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, Temporary and permanent adjustments and tests
Unit C
Leveling and Contouring
Unit C Topic 1
Definitions, Methods of determining elevation, Classification of levels


All the students of MODS of backlog come for test at Room no 405 25/06/14

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

FM Test 2nd yr

FM test will be taken on 26th June (Thursday) at 2:15pm in room no. 206.
Topic: Properties of fluids, Kinematics of fluid flow, Fluid pressure

Steel Test - Summer Term 2nd yr

Steel Test will be taken for 2nd yr students on 25th June (Wednesday) at 12:25pm.
Topic: Compression Member

Monday, June 23, 2014

MTE Schedule: Tentative

You can access the tentative MTE schedule from the below link. You are adviced to check your civil engg courses and in case of any clash, report to me, immediately. Clash, if any, not reported by 25th June, shall not be entertained. The exam starts from 30th June.

Tentative MTE Schedule.

updated list of registered students

The updated list of summer term registered students can be accessed from the below link,

Special Term

Engg Hydrology and Fluid Mechanics are not being offered by the department and shall only be available as "Improvement". Those who have filled the backlog forms shall automatically be shifted to the improvement.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Notice to all MODS summer term and self study mode students.

Your test will be on 25/06/14, in Room no 304 SET II at 2:15pm. The syllabus will be
-Stress and strain, Bending moment, Shear force, Stress tensor.

Syed Emad uddin Ahmed

All the Self study mode student please se the syllabus for MODS in.

Syllabus for MODS self study mode.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Urgent notice for Engineering Hydrology backlog students

The following 2 students are asked to contact and meet me by Friday (20th June):

Mr Naveen Negi (Roll Nr.: 90107086 and System ID: 2009000797) and
Mr. Geet Chopra (Roll Nr.: 100107072 and System ID: 2010000770)

You can find me in the room: SET II 203 (faculty room)
and by email

You will be assigned weekly tasks for the course. So please come appropriately prepared.


Classrooms for the summer term

The classes of summer term B Tech courses will take place in SET-3, Room No. 403, from June 19 onwards.

Monday, June 16, 2014

test of design of steel structure for summer term back log scheduled to 18 june at 12:25 P:m in set-2 ,304
topic of test
1-introduction of DSS and design philosphy
2- boted and welded connection
3-tension member design

by chhavi gupta

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Course of Summer Term

Faculty responsible for the courses being taught in the summer term.

Course CodeSubjectFaculty1 (9th June-30th June)Faculty2 (1st July-20th July)
CVL209Engg MechanicsVisiting Faculty
CVL210Principles of SurveyingGaurav GoelAnil
CVL211Soil MechanicsSarmisthaPrashant Mukherjee
CVL214MODSSyed EmmadPrashant Kumar
CVL212Design of Steel StructuresChhaviMeenu
CVL307BMCPinaki NayakKP Singh

The lab courses are available only where the student was either debarred/ ufm case or absent, for any other reason. 

Summer Term: Forms Filled

As per the data received to us, the details of summer term forms filled by you can be accessed from the below link. If there is any discrepancy, you are advised to inform my office, latest by 13th June, so that necessary changes can be made. Any application received after 13th June shall not be entertained.

Summer Term: SA (Structural Analysis)

Please find the Syllabus at link below for the Summer Term subject "Structural Analysis".
Please attend the Class Test 1:
Syllabus: 1st Unit (Columns & Struts) from the above syllabus (@link). Only Numerical problems & Derivations.
Date & Time: 18-06-14;   2:00pm to 3:00pm.
Venue: Room:   205 SET-2.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer term Time table

The time table for backlog classes can be found here.
Classes of Engg. Mech., Surveying and Soil Mech. will take place in SET-3, 301.
While those of MODS, BMC and Steel will take place in SET-2, 304.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Term

See the below notice for summer term,

Registration for Summer Term
June 06-07,2014
Summer Term Classes begins
June 09, 2014
Summer Term Mid -Term Examination(MTE)
June30-July 06,2014
Summer Term End-Term Examination (ETE)
July 23- August 10, 2014
Showing Answer Sheets of Summer Term ETE (May)
August 11,2014
Commencement of Registration of Academic year 2014-15
August 19,2014
The student shall be allowed to take a maximum of six theory courses of current second year, from the courses being offered.

Only the end term exam of the lab courses shall be available ONLY for those students who were either debarred in the practical exam or were absent in the end term examination.

For current third year and fourth year, there shall be no "backlog" subjects available. 
However, all the courses of all the years shall be available for improvement.